
  • Daniele Almeida Santos
  • Osvaldo José Sobral
  • Thalita Meneses da Silva Furtado


The theme of this academic text is human personality. To this end, a bibliographical
research was carried out, which investigated authors such as: Bezerra (2017); Couto,
Pires and Silva (2011); Dalgalarrondo (2008); Fiorelli and Mangini (2015); Jung (2015);
Laraia (2007); Pasquali (2000); Peres and Cupolillo (2011); Pervin and John (2004);
Piaget (1994); among others. Thus, this academic text was structured around the
following theoretical topics: historical evolution of the concept of personality and
theories of types of moods, morphological types and psychological types; a
contemporary and generic definition of personality; some behavioral development
characteristics determined by personality; the relationship between personality and psychological dimensions – affective, cognitive and volitional; and personality
disorders. Finally, it is concluded that personality is a characteristic that defines the
human condition and that is developed throughout life cycles, through the physical
structuring and organization of neurophysiological, neuromuscular and psychomotor



How to Cite

Santos, D. A., Sobral, O. J., & Meneses da Silva Furtado, T. (2023). HUMAN PERSONALITY. Revista Científica Da UniMais, 21(2), 177–192. Retrieved from