Nursing, Psychosocial Care CentersAbstract
The Psychiatric Reform in Brazil began in 1970, when there was an outbreak from
the sanitary movements. Public policies in mental health have evolved over the
years, as the Therapeutic Residence Services have emerged and soon the
Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS). One of the main CAPS strategies is the
Therapeutic Workshops, which are directed to users based on the Singular
Therapeutic Project (PTS). To report the experience of nursing students in the
Mandatory Curricular Supervised Internship (ESCO) in therapeutic workshops at
a CAPS. This is a descriptive, exploratory study, of the experience report type,
developed during the ESCO of the Nursing Graduation Course. The CAPS is
responsible for comprehensive mental health care and its aspects, so care is
developed through the PTS on an individual basis. Expressive workshops such
as making plastic paintings, collage, paintings, dance, theater, poetry, strings and
conversation circles and therapeutic groups are organized as modest care
technologies that are important in the care of users in psychological distress. This
is because they allow respect, civility and the deconstruction of the disease,
looking at the user, his life and his interpersonal relationships. We noticed that in
addition to participating in groups and workshops, it was noticeable that users
seek the CAPS for other needs, such as: appointments, medication needs,
outbreaks, crises, and scheduling appointments. Finally, it is considered that
therapeutic workshops as care strategies are configured as an excellent vehicle,
as they allow individual resocialization and reinsertion through groups, where
they provide opportunities for users to expose their work and artistic expressions,
as well as work together contributes to socialization and interaction.